We shared the short vid of this on Tuesday's live blog, but more details have now emerged — including the miraculous news the teenager involved walked away unharmed — so here's another look, if you can face it.
Incredibly, the 14-year-old mountain biker seen hitting the gate, Lloyd Bennett, walked away with just a cut to his finger, his father Terry (the rider behind Lloyd in the clip) reporting to the Mail he's mainly "devastated to see his £4,000 x works GT professional bike snapped in half".
The incident happened back in January, on the One Giant Leap track near Llangollen, North Wales.
"The gate at the bike park is always open, but we were the first down the track that morning and the wind must have blown it closed," Terry explained, saying he has renamed his son 'Lucky' after the 30mph crash.
Both were running cameras, Lloyd's Instagram post sharing the footage going viral with 1.8m likes and more than 29 million views since he shared it earlier this week.
In the longer video Lloyd is apparently up on his feet almost instantly, his father's comment "that's the end of your bike" an immediate disappointment, even if he'd somehow managed to avoid any injury beyond a cut to his finger.
With Lloyd's health confirmed, the Instagram comments naturally did what they do best... make jokes...
"Cheers for opening the gate mate."
"I'm sure there's a good joke about a gate here… but ya might take a fence."